Who we are
We were inspired to build a business together after working side by side in a crystal shop for over a year. At some point, we began to dream and we would say “when we have our own business…” When the perfect space became available, we decided it was time to make our dream a reality. That’s when we founded “Pearls in the Sky.”
We chose our name for many reasons. Firstly, Pearls are formed as an adaptation. They form when a mollusk has been irritated by something intrusive like a grain of sand which causes it to release a substance called nacre to coat the intrusion to protect itself. In other words, the mollusk doesn’t retaliate, it doesn’t reject the thing that bothers it, it transmutes it into something of great beauty and value. And not through force, but through awareness, presence and patience.
Pearls have been historically used as currency and are often used as an analogy for something of value. We refer to valuable information as “pearls of wisdom.” Jesus warned not to “cast pearls before swine,” in saying this he was implying that sharing information with people who won’t value it is both a disservice to yourself and as good as throwing it away.
“Pearls lie not on the seashore. If thou desirest one thou must dive for it.” We have to be willing to seek a pearl in order to find it. Acquiring pearls can require much of us, either the physical energy of the search or the financial energy of their purchase, but they are considered to be worthy of their cost. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
Pearls are symbolic of virtue, strength, beauty and innocence. In Traditional Chinese Medicine pearl powder is consumed to promote a variety of healing processes and is considered a regenerative tonic known to nourish the heart and calm the spirit. Pearls are primarily associated with the moon and thus the sign of Cancer due to their connection with water.
We are both poets and in our eyes, pearls are a metaphor for many things. From the earth, as we gaze into the sky, all the celestial objects (stars, planets, moons, asteroids etc.) appear like bright pearls on a dark velvet background. With each star emitting neutrinos (infinitesimal subatomic particles) like strings of pearls that pass by the planets and make their way to earth where they form an invisible unified field that we are all moving through as we go about our days. The neutrinos are pearls of wisdom that carry the information of the planets they interact with. We are continuously informed by them. Pearls in the Sky brings together the water and the sky, the mother and the father, the being and the doing.
In our Human Design, we both have The Channel of Awareness, which combines the Gate of Mystery with the Gate of Rationalization. “Your mind is designed to inspire others with your unique knowing, and to offer us the potential to see life in a completely new way. It it united with something beyond this plane that you hear and know spontaneously. Your mutative knowing breaks the old abstract cycles, shatters the logical patterns, and inspires us with a new realization.” We are not here for the right side, the abstract (before) or for the left side, the logical (after.) We are here to offer mutation (change, growth, development) in the now, the present moment. It is associated with the pressure to know something new and to understand mysteries. Our favourite way to focus and apply this is through the mysteries of the cosmos: The Pearls in the Sky.
Our aim is to contemplate ancient wisdom and offer it to you with fresh insight. With this business we hope to educate, have conversations and hold space. Not because you don’t already know but because we’d like to help you remember as much as we help to remind each other. With our classes, readings and writing we hope to guide you back to your authentic nature. To help you retain your personal power and to create containers where you can consider what we share and reflect on it until you come to your own conclusions. We don’t want to sell you answers, we want to share information as tools of knowledge and ask you the questions that bring you home to your own answers. The way we see it, acceptance is love.
May we do all that we do with love.
~Heather and Ariana